ts-stubber - v1.0.1



A generic stubbed instance creator to lazy stub any interface/class, without calling class's constructor.

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This library provides an API to create a stubbed instance of a class or interface, including property functions, allowing overrides and excluded methods.

class MyClass {
constructor(input: number) {
throw new Error("Should not be called");
func(input: number, text: string) {
return input;
property: number = 3;
optionalProperty?: number;
get getter(): number {
return this.property;
set setter(value: number) {
throw new Error("Should not be called");

const sinonStubbedInstanceCreator = StubbedInstanceCreator<MyClass, SinonStub>(
() => sinon.stub()

const sinonMockMyClass = sinonStubbedInstanceCreator.createStubbedInstance();

const jestStubbedInstanceCreator = StubbedInstanceCreator<MyClass, jest.Mock>(
() => jest.fn()

const jestMockMyClass = jestStubbedInstanceCreator.createStubbedInstance();

npm i -D @ts-stubber


yarn add -D @ts-stubber


  1. Set up the repo - yarn
  2. Build the project - npm run build
  3. Running tests - npm run cy:run

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