@shellygo/cypress-test-utils - v4.1.10 / Modules / CypressHelper
Class: CypressHelper
CypressHelper exposes the following public properties:
Table of contents
• new CypressHelper(options?
Name | Type |
options? |
CypressHelperOptions |
• get: Object
The get property will hold methods which will give our tests access to the “output” of the component in a “black box” fashion
Type declaration
Name | Type |
assertableStub |
(stub : any ) => Chainable <JQuery <any >> |
bySelector |
(selector : string , attribute? : string ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
currentLocation |
() => Chainable <string > |
element |
(selector : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
elementByAttribute |
(attribute : string , selector : string ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
elementBySelector |
(selector : string , attribute? : string ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
elementByTestId |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
elementByText |
(content : string | RegExp , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> | Chainable <undefined > |
elementComputedStyleProperty |
(dataTestID : string , styleProperty : keyof CSSStyleDeclaration , __namedParameters? : { index? : number ; pseudoElement? : string }) => Chainable <null | string | number | CSSRule | (property : string ) => string | (property : string ) => string | (index : number ) => string | (property : string ) => string | (property : string , value : null | string , priority? : string ) => void > |
elementsAttribute |
(dataTestID : string , attributeName : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <undefined | string > |
elementsComputedStyle |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number , pseudoElement? : string ) => Chainable <CSSStyleDeclaration > |
elementsProperty |
(dataTestID : string , propertyName : keyof JQuery <HTMLElement >, index? : number ) => Chainable <any > |
elementsStyleAttribute |
(dataTestID : string , attributeName : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <PlainObject <string >> |
elementsText |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <string > |
env |
(key : string ) => any |
fixture |
(alias : string ) => Chainable <any > |
focusedElement |
() => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
imageSnapshot |
(name : string , __namedParameters? : SnapshotOptions ) => Chainable <DiffSnapshotResult > |
inputValue |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <string | number | string []> |
nthBySelector |
(selector : string , index? : number , attribute? : string ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
numberOfElements |
(dataTestID : string ) => Chainable <number > |
numberOfRequests |
(alias : string ) => Chainable <number > |
requestBody |
(alias : string ) => Chainable <any > |
requestHeader |
(alias : string ) => Chainable <{ [key: string] : string | string []; }> |
requestQueryParams |
(alias : string ) => Chainable <{ [k: string] : string ; }> |
requestUrl |
(alias : string ) => Chainable <string > |
responseBody |
(alias : string ) => Chainable <any > |
responseHeader |
(alias : string ) => Chainable <{ [key: string] : string | string []; }> |
spy |
(name : string ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
spyFromFunction |
(func : Function ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
stub |
(name : string ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
window |
() => Chainable <AUTWindow > |
assertableStub: (stub
: any
) => Chainable
Get stub as Cypress.Chainable
const serviceMock : Service = helper.given.stubbedInstance(Service);
The method should not be used anymore, use then
bySelector: (selector
: string
, attribute?
: string
) => Chainable
Get one or more DOM elements by selector.
Get an element with shape="filter-grid"
currentLocation: () => Chainable
Get the current URL of the page that is currently active.
element: (selector
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Get one or more DOM elements by selector. The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how $(…) works in jQuery. *** Note! Using this method may lead to flakey tests! You should use get.elementByTestId ***
get.element('.list>li', 3) // Yield the <li>'s in <.list>
get.element('ul li:first')
elementByAttribute: (attribute
: string
, selector
: string
) => Chainable
Get one or more DOM elements by attribute.
Get an element with shape="filter-grid"
elementBySelector: (selector
: string
, attribute?
: string
) => Chainable
Get one or more DOM elements by selector. Same as bySelector
Get an element with shape="filter-grid"
elementByTestId: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Get A DOM element at a specific index from elements.
helper.get.elementByTestId('selected-item', 2),
elementByText: (content
: string
| RegExp
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
>> | Chainable
Get the DOM element containing the text. DOM elements can contain more than the desired text and still match. Additionally, Cypress prefers some DOM elements over the deepest element found. *** Note! Using this method may lead to flakey tests! You should use get.elementByTestId ***
elementComputedStyleProperty: (dataTestID
: string
, styleProperty
: keyof CSSStyleDeclaration
, __namedParameters?
: { index?
: number
; pseudoElement?
: string
}) => Chainable
| string
| number
| CSSRule
| (property
: string
) => string
| (property
: string
) => string
| (index
: number
) => string
| (property
: string
) => string
| (property
: string
, value
: null
| string
, priority?
: string
) => void
Returns a specific style of an element, including pseudo elements if specified.
**elementsAttribute**: (`dataTestID`: `string`, `attributeName`: `string`, `index?`: `number`) => `Chainable`<`undefined` \| `string`\>
then(helper.get.elementsAttribute('avatar-picture', 'style')).shouldInclude('background-image: url("assets/avatar/def-user-male.png")')
elementsComputedStyle: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
, pseudoElement?
: string
) => Chainable
Returns element's computed style, including pseudo elements
elementsProperty: (dataTestID
: string
, propertyName
: keyof JQuery
>, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Get element's property value
elementsStyleAttribute: (dataTestID
: string
, attributeName
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Returns element's style attribute
elementsText: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
env: (key
: string
) => any
Returns specific environment variable or undefined
// Keeping password in cypress.config file
// using password during testfixture: (alias
: string
) => Chainable
Get fixture
given.fixture("user.json", "user");
name: "Jane Doe",
id: "1234",
nested: {
attr1: "something",
attr2: "the other thing"
focusedElement: () => Chainable
Get the element currently focused in the document.
imageSnapshot: (name
: string
, __namedParameters?
: SnapshotOptions
) => Chainable
Capture a snapshot and compare it to baseline snapshot Run Cypress with --env updateSnapshots=true in order to update the base image files for all of your tests.
// capture an element by DataTestId, with threshold
get.imageSnapshot("radio-group", {
dataTestID: "radio-group",
failureThreshold: 0.2
inputValue: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
| number
| string
Get value of input element
nthBySelector: (selector
: string
, index?
: number
, attribute?
: string
) => Chainable
Get A DOM element at a specific index from elements.
// Get the 3rd checkbox
numberOfElements: (dataTestID
: string
) => Chainable
Get number of elements with a specific dataTestID
numberOfRequests: (alias
: string
) => Chainable
Get number of outgoing request with a specific alias
requestBody: (alias
: string
) => Chainable
Get intercepted request's body If a JSON Content-Type was used and the body was valid JSON, this will be an object. If the body was binary content, this will be a buffer.
requestHeader: (alias
: string
) => Chainable
<{ [key: string]
: string
| string
[]; }>
Get intercepted request's header
requestQueryParams: (alias
: string
) => Chainable
<{ [k: string]
: string
; }>
Get intercepted request's query param
requestUrl: (alias
: string
) => Chainable
Get intercepted request's url
responseBody: (alias
: string
) => Chainable
Get intercepted response's body If a JSON Content-Type was used and the body was valid JSON, this will be an object. If the body was binary content, this will be a buffer.
responseHeader: (alias
: string
) => Chainable
<{ [key: string]
: string
| string
[]; }>
Get intercepted response's header
spy: (name
: string
) => Chainable
Get spy by alias
spyFromFunction: (func
: Function
) => Chainable
Get spy by function name alias
stub: (name
: string
) => Chainable
Get stub by alias
window: () => Chainable
Get the window object of the page that is currently active.
• given: Object
The given property will hold methods which will allow us to set pre-conditions before something takes place. This is a classic place to have methods which will set the inputs which are going to be passed down to our component.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
env |
(key : string , value : any ) => void |
fixture |
(filename : string , alias : string ) => Chainable <any > |
intercept |
(url : StringMatcher , alias : string , method? : string ) => void |
interceptAndMockResponse |
(options : { alias? : string ; method? : string ; response? : Object ; url : StringMatcher }) => void |
spy |
(name : string ) => Omit <SinonSpy <any [], any >, "withArgs" > & SinonSpyAgent <SinonSpy <any [], any >> & SinonSpy <any [], any > |
spyOnObject |
obj : T , method : keyof T ) => Omit <SinonSpy <any [], any >, "withArgs" > & SinonSpyAgent <SinonSpy <any [], any >> & SinonSpy <any [], any > |
stub |
(alias? : string ) => Agent <SinonStub <any [], any >> |
stubObjectMethod |
obj : T , method : keyof T ) => Omit <SinonStub <any [], any >, "withArgs" > & SinonSpyAgent <SinonStub <any [], any >> & SinonStub <any [], any > |
stubbedInstance |
constructor : (...args : any []) => T , overrides : Partial <T >) => StubbedInstance <T , SinonStub <any [], any >> & T |
stubbedInterface |
<T>(interfaceName : string , overrides : Partial <T >) => StubbedInstance <T , SinonStub <any [], any >> & T |
env: (key
: string
, value
: any
) => void
Sets specific environment variable's value
// Changing an environment variable * ```ts helper.given.env("password", "changeMe@1");
**fixture**: (`filename`: `string`, `alias`: `string`) => `Chainable`<`any`\>
Load a fixture
let { given, when, get } = new CypressHelper();
it("should get fixture", () => {
given.fixture("user.json", "user");
name: "Jane Doe",
id: "1234",
nested: {
attr1: "something",
attr2: "the other thing"
intercept: (url
: StringMatcher
, alias
: string
, method?
: string
) => void
Use intercept() to intercept HTTP requests and responses
interceptAndMockResponse: (options
: { alias?
: string
; method?
: string
; response?
: Object
; url
: StringMatcher
}) => void
Use interceptAndMockResponse to stub and intercept HTTP requests and responses.
// adds token to response header
url: '** /sysmgmt/2015/bmc/session',
response: {
'XSRF-Token': 'token',
alias: 'login'
// mocks response to login request
method: "POST",
url: "** /login",
alias: "login",
response : {
token: 'token'
// mocks network error
method: "POST",
url: "** /avamars",
alias: "avamar",
response : {
forceNetworkError: true
// mocks missing image
method: "POST",
url: "** /image.png",
alias: "image",
response: { statusCode: 404 }
// using a fixture
url: "** /shellygo/whatever**",
response: { fixture: "user.json" },
alias: "whatever"
spy: (name
: string
) => Omit
[], any
>, "withArgs"
> & SinonSpyAgent
[], any
>> & SinonSpy
[], any
Returns a new spy function, and creates an alias for the newly created spy
spyOnObject: obj
: T
, method
: keyof T
) => Omit
[], any
>, "withArgs"
> & SinonSpyAgent
[], any
>> & SinonSpy
[], any
Spy on a method and create an alias for the spy
given.spyOnObject(window, "alert");
// Or
given.spyOnObject(serviceMock, "functionName");
stub: (alias?
: string
) => Agent
[], any
Replace a function, record its usage and control its behavior.
stubObjectMethod: obj
: T
, method
: keyof T
) => Omit
[], any
>, "withArgs"
> & SinonSpyAgent
[], any
>> & SinonStub
[], any
Stub an object's method and create an alias for the stub
//stubbing a service method
helper.given.stubObjectMethod(serviceMock, "functionName").returns(3);
//stubbing setters and getters
helper.given.stubObjectMethod(serviceMock, "count").get(() => 3).set(() => {});
stubbedInstance: constructor
: (...args
: any
[]) => T
, overrides
: Partial
>) => StubbedInstance
, SinonStub
[], any
>> & T
Creates a new object with the given functions as the prototype and stubs all implemented functions.
class Service {
public func1() {...}
public get prop1() {...}
const serviceMock = helper.given.stubbedInstance(Service, {prop1: 3});
pokemonTypes: new BehaviorSubject<NamedAPIResource[]>([]),
pokemons: new BehaviorSubject<BetterPokemon[]>([]),
stubbedInterface: <T>(interfaceName
: string
, overrides
: Partial
>) => StubbedInstance
, SinonStub
[], any
>> & T
Creates a new object with the given functions as the prototype and stubs all functions.
interface IService {
propertyFunc: (int: number) => number
get prop1() : number
const serviceMock = helper.given.stubbedInterface<IService>("IService", {prop1: 3});
• when: Object
The when property will hold methods of “events” which will take place like render, click, hover, etc.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
acceptConfirm |
() => EventEmitter2 | Listener |
blur |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
cancelConfirm |
() => Cypress |
cancelPrompt |
() => EventEmitter2 | Listener |
check |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
clear |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
click |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
clock |
() => Chainable <Clock > |
closeAlert |
() => Cypress |
dblclick |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
doWithin |
(fn : () => void , dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
dragAndDrop |
(element : Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >>, targetElement : Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >>) => void |
focus |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
hover |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
realClick |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
realType |
(dataTestID : string , keys : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <void > |
rightclick |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
scrollToBottom |
() => Chainable <undefined > |
scrollToTop |
() => Chainable <undefined > |
selectOption |
(dataTestID : string , option : string | number , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
tick |
(ms : number ) => Chainable <Clock > |
toggle |
(index : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
toggleRadioBySelector |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
type |
(dataTestID : string , keys : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
typeSpecialCharacter |
(dataTestID : string , keys : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
uncheck |
(dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
visit |
(url : string ) => void |
wait |
(ms : number ) => Chainable <undefined > |
waitForLastCall |
(alias : string , timeout : number ) => Chainable <undefined | Interception <any , any >> |
waitForResponse |
(alias : string ) => Chainable <Interception <any , any >> |
waitForResponses |
(alias : string , responses : number ) => Chainable <Interception <any , any >[]> |
waitUntil |
checkFunction : () => Chainable <any > | ReturnType | PromiseLike <ReturnType >, options? : WaitUntilOptions <any >) => Chainable <any > |
within |
(fn : () => void , dataTestID : string , index? : number ) => Chainable <JQuery <HTMLElement >> |
acceptConfirm: () => EventEmitter2
| Listener
Fires when your app calls the global window.confirm() method. The confirmation will be accepted.
blur: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Blur a focused element. This element must currently be in focus. If you want to ensure an element is focused before blurring, try using helper.when.focus() before helper.when.blur().
cancelConfirm: () => Cypress
Fires when your app calls the global window.confirm() method. The confirmation will be canceled.
cancelPrompt: () => EventEmitter2
| Listener
Fires when your app calls the global window.prompt() method. The prompt will be cancelled.
check: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Check checkbox(es) or radio(s). This element must be an html input element with type checkbox or radio.
clear: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Clear the value of an input or textarea
click: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Click a DOM element.
clock: () => Chainable
overrides native global functions related to time allowing them to be controlled synchronously via helper.when.tick() This includes controlling: setTimeout clearTimeout setInterval clearInterval Date Objects The clock starts at the unix epoch (timestamp of 0). This means that when you instantiate new Date in your application, it will have a time of January 1st, 1970.
closeAlert: () => Cypress
Fires when your app calls the global window.alert() method. The alert will be closed.
dblclick: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Double-click a DOM element.
doWithin: (fn
: () => void
, dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Scopes the execution of a function within an element
dragAndDrop: (element
: Chainable
>>, targetElement
: Chainable
>>) => void
Drag an element and drop it in target element
helper.get.elementByTestId('selected-item', 2),
focus: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Focus on a DOM element.
hover: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Fires native hover event. Yes, it can test :hover preprocessor.
realClick: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Fires native system click event.
realType: (dataTestID
: string
, keys
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Runs a sequence of native press event (via cy.press) Type event is global. Make sure that it is not attached to any field.
rightclick: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Right click a DOM element.
scrollToBottom: () => Chainable
Scroll to the bottom.
scrollToTop: () => Chainable
Scroll to the top.
selectOption: (dataTestID
: string
, option
: string
| number
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Select an option with specific text, value, or index within a select html element.
<select data-hook="fruit-selection">
<option value="456">apples</option>
<option value="457">oranges</option>
<option value="458">bananas</option>
helper.when.selectOption('fruit-selection', 0).should('have.value', '456')
helper.when.selectOption('fruit-selection', 'oranges').should('have.value', '457')
helper.when.selectOption('fruit-selection', 458).should('have.value', '458')
tick: (ms
: number
) => Chainable
Move time after overriding a native time function with helper.when.clock(). helper.when.clock() must be called before helper.when.tick()
toggle: (index
: number
) => Chainable
Check radio(s). This element must be an html input element with type radio.
toggleRadioBySelector: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Toggle radio(s) by dataTestID This element must be an html input element with type radio.
type: (dataTestID
: string
, keys
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Type into a DOM element, not including special characters
typeSpecialCharacter: (dataTestID
: string
, keys
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Type into a DOM element, including special characters
uncheck: (dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Uncheck checkbox(es).
visit: (url
: string
) => void
Visit a given url
wait: (ms
: number
) => Chainable
Wait for a number of milliseconds.
waitForLastCall: (alias
: string
, timeout
: number
) => Chainable
| Interception
, any
Wait for a last request to complete.
waitForResponse: (alias
: string
) => Chainable
, any
Wait for a specific request to complete.
waitForResponses: (alias
: string
, responses
: number
) => Chainable
, any
Wait for multiples requests to complete.
waitUntil: checkFunction
: () => Chainable
> | ReturnType
| PromiseLike
>, options?
: WaitUntilOptions
>) => Chainable
Wait for something to happen in the DOM. Note! you should not have any asserts in the callback function. From cypress-wait-until documentation: you cannot put assertions inside checkFunction. There is no way to avoid a test failure if an assertion throws an error. You must manually check what the assertions would check for you. The most common case is checking that an element exists or not
within: (fn
: () => void
, dataTestID
: string
, index?
: number
) => Chainable
Scopes the execution of a function within an element
The method should not be used anymore. Use helper.when.doWithin instead.
▸ beforeAndAfter(): void